The company was cofounded by 4 professionals with complementary technical skills: a lawyer, a bioengineer, a hygienist, a biologist. The group has been active for more than two year. Three members are professors/researchers from the University of Siena with relevant scientific activity in the fields of Biomedical Engineering and Public Health. 

Gabriele Messina
Medical doctor
Specialist in Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, with a Masters in Epidemiology acquired at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, currently Associate Professor in General and Applied Hygiene at the University of Siena. Over the past four years he has deepened the theme of nosocomial infections for the purposes of research and prevention.


Gabriele Cevenini
Professor of Bioengineering, University of Siena, with various teachings to the Master of Science in Medicine, Dentistry, Health Professions, Management Engineering (Teaching of “Systems and processes in health services”). He has extensive experience in design and research of biomedical system models and biomedical instrumentation.


Sandra Burgassi
Lab technician with proven expertise in microbiology, in service at the Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene of the Department of Molecular and Development Medicine, University of Siena. She has conducted researches on the effectiveness of various disinfection systems including UV rays, for the prevention of nosocomial infections and food contaminations.


Daniele Messina
Lawyer with degrees in Law and Political Science from the University of Siena. He has been in the philanthropy sector since 2003 and currently he is a senior programme officer at Istitutional Affairs Department of Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation, in charge of project development and strategic advisory. He worked also as a lawyer in private law firms and as a legal and corporate governance officer in the life science sector.
